Jason and Candice were unsure if Los Angeles was the place that they wanted to raise their daughter so they took a giant leap and are now touring the US to figure it out.



A Brief History

Jason and Candice have been together for ten years. At some point, they got the wild idea that it should be possible to tour the country and share what they find with anyone that would listen. They’re on a mission to inspire others to follow their dreams before they can’t.

Now they’ve actualized their dream by selling all of their possessions and moving into a motor home with their daughter and pup. It’s by no means easy but absolutely worth the struggle. When they’re not potty training or attempting to enforce nap time, you’ll find them canvasing a town to try the best restaurants and taking in the sights.

Their goals are to discover new places to live, to find new jobs and to have a great time while doing it.